Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Nashville councilwoman calls for inquiry into expenses after Mayor Megan Barry admits affair

by Nate Rau and Dave Boucher, The Tennessean - The chairwoman of the Metro budget and finance committee is inquiring what powers she has to investigate the travel expenses and overtime incurred when Mayor Megan Barry took trips with the head of her security detail, with whom she had an affair. ... A Tennessean analysis shows Forrest earned more than $4,121 in overtime working on trips where he provided security for Barry. Forrest earned an additional $3,278 in overtime working on trips attended by himself, Barry and other members of the mayor’s office. (link)

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1 comment:

  1. Actually I believe the overtime pay was much more than noted above. I want to know first, what was so important to the City that she go to Paris, France and Athens, Greece? And why is the overtime we have paid once he became her security detail increase over 50% over that of the prior mayor? And, what does she do more than any other mayor that she has to have a security detail work so many hours?
