Monday, December 19, 2016

Trump loses two electors; Clinton loses four!

After all of the money spent to persuade electors pledged to Trump to not vote for him, after all of the harassing of electors, the petitions signed, the social media campaign, celebrity videos, offered  bribes, death threats, and protest in the nation's state capitals today, only two Trump electors broke faith and voted for someone other than Trump.  With no effort at all, twice as many electors who were pledged to Clinton broke faith and votes for someone else. I LOVE IT!

With all Republican states reporting, Trump only lost the two electors in Texas. Clinton lost four electors in Washington state — three voted for former Secretary of State Colin Powell and one voted for Native American tribal leader Faith Spotted Eagle. (link)
Will the anti-Trump folks finally suck it up and accept the results of the election?  The next action in the process of Trump becoming president is that a joint session of Congress is scheduled to meet Jan. sixth to certify the results of the Electoral College vote. Will the Hillary voters who are still in denial try to persuade Congress not to certify the results or finally face reality and accept defeat?

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