Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Don't stop believing! Don't accept reality! Don't grow up! Every time a liberal says, "I guess Trump won," a liberal fairy dies.

My dear liberal friends,

You have one more change to stop Trump. A joint session of Congress is scheduled to meet Jan. sixth
to certify the results of the Electoral College vote. Please spend million and million to stop Congress from doing so. You could have petition drives and get celebrities to make videos urging Congress to do the right thing, you could post messages to social media, you could offer bribes and issue death threats, and you could protest.

I know the vote recount resulted in more votes for Trump than had previously been recorded and the call for electors to be faithless and not vote for their pledged candidate resulted in twice as many unfaithful electors not voting for Hillary as unfaithful electors who did not vote for Trump, but maybe you can persuade Congress not to certify the Electoral college results. Maybe? Just maybe? It is your last chance to stop a Trump presidency. 

Just because you lost the election, the recount, and the electoral college vote, is no reason to give up and recognize and accept the result of the election. Why stop just because you are losing? Stay stuck on denial! Don't move on! Don't stop believing! Don't accept reality!  Don't grow up! Every time a liberal says, "I guess Trump won," a liberal fairy dies.

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