Wednesday, July 01, 2015

President Obama Should Support School Choice in Tennessee

Press Release, NASHVILLE, TN, July 1, 2015 - The Tennessee Federation for Children released the following statement in response to President Obama's visit to Stratton Elementary School:

"President Obama's speech at Stratton Elementary in Madison should serve as a reminder that thousands of students and families in the Metro Nashville Public School system are begging for an alternative to the school that's been assigned to them," said Tony Niknejad of the Tennessee Federation for Children. "With 15 MNPS schools classified as failing by the state, the President has an opportunity to take a stand in favor of allowing students trapped in those schools to leave through the opportunity scholarship program. The program pending in the state legislature has received bi-partisan support in the House and Senate, and is favored by 25,000 families in Memphis and nearly 60 percent of voters. Legislators who are on the fence will have the next several months to make their decision. But students at these failing schools cannot wait much longer:

  • Bailey STEM Magnet Middle
  • Brick Church Middle School
  • Buena Vista Elementary Enhanced Option School
  • Inglewood Elementary School
  • Jere Baxter Middle School
  • Joelton Middle School
  • John B Whitsitt Elementary School
  • Kirkpatrick Elementary Enhanced Option School
  • Napier Elementary Enhancement Option School
  • Neely's Bend Middle School
  • Pearl-Cohn Magnet High School
  • Ross Elementary School
  • Robert Churchwell Museum Magnet Elementary School
  • Madison Middle School
  • The Cohn School"

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