Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Freeman calls for School Board to delay hiring New Director of Schools

Press Release- Bill Freeman issues his statement asking the School Board to delay hiring a new Director of Schools, in response to the MNEA’s criticism of the hiring process.

"It is clear to me that the School Board needs to slow down and take a deep breath on the search for our new Director of Schools. This is the most important decision our School Board makes and there is no reason to rush the process just to meet an arbitrary deadline--one that's already been delayed once.

What I’ve seen of this process so far does not meet the standard expected by the people of Nashville. The process has been ragged and confusing. I have confidence in our school board, but perhaps a new beginning with a new search firm and a new slate of candidates will clear the air. There's simply too much at stake. It's just the right thing to do.

In the coming weeks we will elect a new Mayor, a new Vice Mayor and replace half the Metro Council with new members. Our new Director of Schools can only earn the confidence and support of the community if the process that selects them is fair, inclusive, and transparent."

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