Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Mario Ramos, Hispanic/Latino Activist, Named Campaign Vice Chair

Press Release, NASHVILLE, Tenn. April 7, 205-- Mario Ramos, long time community and immigration activist, will serve as Vice Chair of the Bill Freeman for Mayor Campaign. State Senator Thelma Harper has previously been named Campaign Chair. 

“Bill Freeman is the best choice for the future of Nashville, and I am excited to serve as Vice Chair of his campaign,” Ramos said. “Bill’s experience in building a successful business and his years of giving back to our community give him the skills to lead Davidson County into an era of sustainable growth, inclusivity, and job development,” Ramos said.

Ramos formed his full service immigration law firm in Nashville in 1990. He has a long history in advocacy for comprehensive immigration reform; he was a major force in defeating English Only Nashville in 2009, he coordinated the Nashville stop of the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride in 2003, he is on the Executive Committee of the Nashville Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and is the 2009 recipient of the Advocacy Award for Outstanding Efforts in Support of AILA’s Legislative Agenda.

“We are beyond thrilled to have Mario on our team,” stated Bill Freeman. “Mario has proven himself to be an invaluable asset to the Hispanic community. I am lucky to benefit from his incredible leadership abilities and history of strong advocacy”.

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