Friday, April 10, 2015


Campaign Raises 3x’s that of other candidates

Press Release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.— Bill Freeman’s campaign announced today that it has raised $610,175 from individual donors during the campaign’s first reporting period. This amount is three times that of what other mayoral candidates have raised during the same reporting period. “I am very thankful for those that have financially supported my campaign,” Freeman said. “I grew up in Donelson. I built my business and raised my family here in Nashville. I am proud to call Nashville home and I’m ready to lead this great city,” Freeman added.

“As mayor, my focus will be on recruiting jobs and businesses right here in Davidson County. I will also focus on affordable housing, improving education and solving our regional mass transit problem,” Freeman added. “Our campaign is going to work as hard as we can between now and August to earn the votes of the great people that call this city home,” Freeman said.

The campaign has enjoyed financial support from both Republicans and Democrats. “I have known Bill for many years. He’s grown a successful business and raised a great family right here in Nashville. He is a leader with the business experience that’s needed to lead this city. I’m proud to support him for mayor,” said Republican businessman Tom Cone.

“I have worked closely with Bill as a major supporter of the President since 2013. Bill is the kind of leader Nashville needs and who I strongly support. He has the business experience, the commitment to progressive social values and the wisdom to lead Nashville into its next exciting phase as Mayor. I am honored to be a part of his team,” said Democrat Jim Messina.

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