Monday, February 02, 2015

1st Tuesday: Jim Woods explains Google Fiber and David Fox campaigns for mayor.

From Tim Skow:
1ST TUESDAY Members and friends
Its been a week as wild as yesterday's SUPER BOWL  !!!!
FORTUNATELY for us at 1ST TUESDAY.... we have a couple of outstanding men pinch-hitting as SPEAKERS !!
No doubt, by now you have heard that GOOGLE FIBER is coming to Nashville and some select areas close to town.
This represents HUGE investment in Nashville and the ramifications will be enormous for years to come ! 
Mr. JIM WOODS,  Director of Deployment [and some of his team] will join us to give you a 1st-hand look at what this means for us....and a look behind the curtain as to WHY GOOGLE FIBER chose Nashville !! 
The race for the next Mayor of Nashville is about to explode into action !  The field is now set with 6 top tier candidates vying for your vote and attention. No doubt, the future course of Nashville will be dramatically affected by who wins.
Mr. DAVID FOX is will join us to share his Vision for Nashville.... 
With the respect of many civic leaders, a significant war chest and the backing of one of the most successful campaign consulting groups in the country, David has made everyone realize he will be a force to reckon with !
No doubt, you will find David to be impressive. I encourage you to come meet him, hear him and see for yourself  why David is one of the strongest contenders to win a spot in the run-off my experts are predicting 

While this is a rare combination event... it will be certainly be one of the most intriguing event !!

As usual, we will meet at WALLER Law.  Doors will open at 11AM and expect David and other special guests to be there for you to get to spend time with before lunch begins at 11:30.  Lunch is still $20 for Members and $25 for Guests. Let me encourage you to invites some friends to get to know our specials guests. Seating can be secured via our website at 1st Tuesday and click on "Join us"
Program will start and NOON sharp with the Q&A to follow lasting until 1:00PM

remember.... parking under the building is just $5 if you let them know you were at 1ST TUESDAY !!

Let us know your coming ... and pass this on to those you know !
See you tomorrow 
Tim Skow

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