Tuesday, January 06, 2015

WSJ says Bob Corker is one of the GOP Senators Most Likely to Make Trouble for Mitch McConnell

The Wall Street Journal says Bob Corker is one of the Senators to potentially make trouble for Mitch McConnell in the new Congress.  The reason is that he is a possible presidential contender along with Ted Cruz (Texas), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Rand Paul (Ky.), and Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and they will be competing for the most conservative early-state primary voters and their priorities won’t always coincide with Mr. McConnell.

Other possible Senator who may make trouble for McConnell are a couple Senators concerned about the next primary election, four Senators from blue states concerned about a Democrat challenger next election, liberal Susan Collins, and three conservative new comers. To read the article follow this link.

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