Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Former Rep. Ben West urges voters to Vote for Jim Gotto

From former state representative Ben West:

"I'm speaking to you all to remind you how very important tomorrow is, it's Election Day! We get to exercise our most basic American right by going to the ballot box. Today I am asking you to vote for my friend, Jim Gotto, who is running for my former seat in the state house of representatives, district 60 which includes Donelson, Hermitage, and Old Hickory.

“It was truly my honor to serve you for 26 years. It has been my pleasure to have known Jim and his wife Carol for a very long time. I know the countless contributions they have made to our community over the years in this district. Even though you have known me as a conservative Democrat, in this election I am choosing to cross party lines as so many of you did for me and vote for Republican Jim Gotto. I believe he is the right man for the job.

“Jim is the man we can trust. He is accessible. He brings people together and listens to his constituents. Most importantly, he moves past partisan gridlock when voting for laws which will impact our families' lives. The state house is called the people's house for a reason. This is where your voice matters most in this complicated thing called government. This is why Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike are sticking up and supporting Jim Gotto. He will be your voice in the people's house. Please, don't miss this opportunity to make a difference. Join me tomorrow and vote for Jim Gotto. And if you want to speak directly to Jim, please call 615-482-3815.

Thank you for your time.”

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