A first-year female teacher at Pearl-Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School is being accused of having sex with a male students. Details are not yet available.
Is this an epidemic or what? It seems like this is a fairly common occurrence. One thing I have noticed is that most of the teachers who abuse these poor children are damn hot. When I was in school it seems like I never had any hot teachers. Also, some of the predators are multiple rapist and had more than one student as a lover. Several of these incidents happened here in Tennessee.
Here is a sampling of some of the incidents and pictures of the predators. Also, keep in mind that these are not clamor shots; some of these pictures may be photos taken after they were confronted about their crime and they may not have looked their best.
Pamela Rogers Turner |
Pamela Rogers Turner, 27:
Former model and beauty-pageant contestant also taught at
Centertown Elementary School in McMinnville, Tenn. She was arrested in February 2005 for allegedly having a three-month sexual relationship with a
13-year-old boy. She resigned her teaching position and was charged with 15 counts of sexual battery and 13 counts of statutory rape. Originally sentenced to 270 days in August 2005, she got in additional trouble in April 2006 for sending text messages, nude photos, and sex videos of herself to the same boy while using her father’s cellphone. In July 2006, she was sentenced to serve eight years for violating her probation, and in January 2007, was given an additional two years for sending the photos.
Sandra Binkley, 35: The Portland, Tenn., High School teacher was charged Sept. 25, 2008, with
statutory rape by an authority figure as the result of sexual contact
a 17-year-old boy during school hours. A week later,
two more
students came forward claiming they had had a sexual encounter, also, on
and off campus.
Amy McElhenney |
Amy McElhenney, 25: Charged with having a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old male student, the 25-year-old Hebron High School Spanish teacher and former Miss Texas contestant will not be serving any jail time after a Denton County, Texas, grand jury refused to issue an indictment in September 2006. While the age of consent in Texas is 17 years, a state law bans sexual relationships between educators and students even if the student is of legal age and the relationship is consensual. She could have faced 20 years in prison if indicted and convicted.
Angela Comer |
Angela Comer, 26: Middle-school teacher from Tompkinsville, Ky., fled with her alleged lover,
her 14-year-old male student, before being tracked down in Mexico where she reportedly planned to marry the boy. Comer later claimed she was forced at gunpoint by the boy to go to Mexico. She was indicted in January 2006 for illegal sex acts with a minor and returned to Kentucky. Charges included felony custodial interference, two counts of third-degree sodomy and four counts of unlawful transaction with a minor relating to sexual acts. On May 9, 2007, Comer pleaded guilty to one-count of third-degree sodomy, and was slated to serve 10 years in prison as part of a plea agreement.
Cynthia Horvath |
Cynthia Horvath, 45: Former English teacher and cheer coach at Warner Christian Academy in South Daytona Beach, Fla. was arrested Oct. 22, 2008, on charges related to an ongoing sexual relationship with
a 17-year-old male student. Police reports say most of the senior class at the school knew there was something going on and it was finally students who told a staff member about the affair and the school told police. Horvath is married and has a 17-year-old son who attends Warner Christian.
Melissa Dawn McCord |
Melissa Dawn McCord, 35: Special education teacher at West Carroll
Elementary in Atwood, Tenn., faces several charges, including statutory rape by an authority figure after being arrested on Jan. 29, 2009. Police say a
14-year-old junior high student, who had dated McCord’s daughter, reported the woman had performed oral sex on him at a city park on two occasions. The police report said the teenager’s parents had several text conversations between McCord and the boy in their possession.
Stacy L. Hopkins |
Stacy L. Hopkins, 28: Physical-education teacher and basketball coach at Arlington High School in Shelby County, Tenn., was arrested May, 5, 2011, after allegedly having
sex with two male students and texting them nude photos of herself. The students, both under age 18 at the time of the alleged incidents, told school officials they had sexual intercourse with Hopkins. The teacher told investigators she taught both students and admitted to the crimes.
Summer M. Hansen |
Summer Michelle Hansen, 31: Special-education teacher at Centennial High School in Corona, Calif., was charged Aug. 13, 2013, with
having sex with five students and sending the boys sexual text messages and nude photographs of herself. Hansen faces 16 felony counts and could receive up to 13 years in prison if convicted. Court documents show Hansen was suspected of engaging in sexual intercourse and oral sex with the boys on campus and at one victim’s home as far back as May 2012. All five boys were students at the school, but none was a student of Hansen. One student,17, told detectives Hansen had been exchanging sexual text messages with him, some attached to revealing and nude photographs. The teacher allegedly said she wanted to give him a “prize” for doing well in a baseball game. She kept him after class in Saturday school and, after all of the other students had left, began kissing him, and engaged in sex acts, the boy claimed. Hansen, through her attorney, has denied the allegations.
For dozens more stories of this nature, follow
this link.
I can't fathom what would make an attractive women such as Pamela Rogers Truner want to have sex with a 13-year-old boy. Is it a mental illness? Is it stunted emotional development? Has this always happened and just not been reported or is this a new phenomenon?
I know that situations of this nature are treated the same as if the sexes were reversed and it is just as much of a crime if a 31-year-old female teacher like Summer Hansen has sex with five male students as it would me if a 31-year-old male teacher had sex with five female students. I, however, do not feel the same about it. If a 31-year-old male had sex with five female students, I would feel outrage and want him to go to prison for a very long time. Pamela Rogers Truner's victim was only 13-years-old. If a 27-year-old male teacher had sex with a 13-year-old girl, I would be feel very differently about it than I do Pamela Rogers Truner having sex with a 13-year-old boy. If I had a 13-year-old daughter who was a victim of a male teacher's sexual advances I know I would feel differently about it than if I had a 13-year-old son who was Pamela Rogers Truner's victim. I know there may be emotional damage to the 13-year-old boy, but somehow it just does not seem as bad. If a male teacher took advantage of my 13-year-old daughter, I would want to kill him.
I know that we cannot condone any teacher of either sex having sex with students and I don't, but I admit I have a double standard about this. We are supposed to pretend that we are equally outraged regardless of the sex of the predator and victims and it is just not politically correct not to think the crime is equally reprehensible regardless of the sex of the parties involved. I can't always explain my double standard but I admit it. In many ways I think male and female are different. I think a double standard may be rooted in nature. I am going to say something totally politically incorrect but I bet I am not the only male who feels this way: When I was a teenager, I wish I would have been a victim of a teacher like Pamela Rogers Turner or Summer Michelle Hansen.
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