Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Cato Policy Forum and Luncheon 2014 in Nashville, Thu., Oct. 16..

Featuring John A. Allison, President and CEO, Cato Institute, Retired Chairman and CEO, BB&T; Michael F. Cannon, Director of Health Policy Studies, Cato Institute; and David Boaz, Executive Vice President, Cato Institute.
John Allison will discuss “The Philosophical Fight for the Future of America”—the battle of ideas and morality between Progressive collectivism and free market capitalism that will define the future well being of America. These divergent world views are not reconcilable and lead to radically different public policy outcomes. Cato’s president will examine the threat posed by the proliferation of statist ideas, as well as ways to increase public understanding of the merits of individual liberty and limited government.

Next, Michael Cannon will discuss the important Halbig v. Burwell decision—a ruling that could lead to the ultimate repeal of Obamacare. In the landmark decision, the D.C. Circuit ruled the president has no authority to tax, borrow, and spend tens of billions of dollars to mask from consumers in 36 states the true cost of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s overpriced health insurance. If the court’s ruling stands, millions of Americans will feel the full cost of their Obamacare coverage and will demand that Congress reopen and possibly repeal the law.

Finally, David Boaz will discuss the future for freedom in America. From the rapid rise to prominence of first-term Senator Rand Paul to the state-level movements to legalize gay marriage and marijuana, the philosophy of fiscal conservatism, social liberalism, and restrained foreign policy seems to be gaining currency in American politics. In light of recent setbacks for individual liberty, Cato’s executive vice president will discuss how we can get back on the path to freedom, free markets, limited government, and peace at this auspicious “libertarian moment.”

11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  Registration and Reception
12:00 – 2:00 p.m.  Policy Forum and Luncheon

The Philosophical Fight for the Future of America
John A. Allison, President and CEO, Cato Institute, Retired Chairman and CEO, BB&T

Halbig v. Burwell
Michael F. Cannon, Director of Health Policy Studies, Cato Institute

Reclaiming Freedom
David Boaz, Executive Vice President, Cato Institute

Registration fee is $30 per person. To register to attend this event, click here and then submit the form on the page that opens, or email mjohnson@cato.org, fax (202) 371-0841, or call (202) 789-5203 by noon on Wednesday, October 15, 2014.

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