Friday, August 29, 2014

Bellevue Republican Breakfast Group to talk Amendment 1 and 3. Saturday, Sept.6.

From Betty Hood, organizer of the Bellevue Republican Breakfast Group:

 Dear BRBC Friends,
Happy Labor Day to all! Hope you have had a wonderful weekend!
The Bellevue Republican Breakfast Club will have its monthly meeting this coming Saturday, September 6th  at 8 AM at the Shoney's on Hwy 70. Our guest speakers will be Lorene Steffes who will talk on Amendment 1 on the November ballot. Senator Brian Kelsey will also speak that morning on Amendment 3 on the ballot. There is some very important information concerning how these issues pass or fail in this election. Please come and hear these informed speakers and there will be time for Q & A after their presentation.
Hope to see you Saturday! Betty

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