Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ashley Judd is staring in a "faith and family friendly film."

Ashley Judd
In case you missed it, Ashley Judd is staring in a "faith and family friendly film," titled The Identical. I guess a good actress can go from soft porn to soft religious faith and family-friendly movies with ease. 
The Identical tells the story of twin brothers unknowingly separated at birth during the Great Depression.  Ashley Judd play the wife of a preacher. The preacher and wife  adopted a son who is gifted and called by God to be a preacher but he gets sidetracked into a life of rock and roll. Follow this link to learn more about the movie.
Ashley Judd is a Democrat Party activist who at one time considered moving from Kentucky to Tennessee to run for the Senate from Tennessee.  She recently hosted a fund raiser for Democrat candidate Jeff Yarbro who is running for a State Senate seat.

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