Monday, June 16, 2014

Davidson County Republican Party Straw Poll released: Alexander barely beats Carr

Following the Davidson County Republican Party picnic, I reported that a dispute involving the counting of ballots in the straw poll had led to the results of the straw poll not being released. I have not heard anything else about that dispute and now the result are made public.

  • For U. S. Senator: Lamar Alexander 115, Joe Carr 108, Flinn 3, Undecided 7
  • For 5th Congressional District: Bob Ries 128, John Smith 43, Carter 10, Undecided 39, other 1, Steve Dickerson 1
  • For Nashville Mayor: Megan Barry 23, Bone 3, Kenneth Eaton 34, Fox 29, Freeman 6, Daron Hall 27, Other 10, undecided 3, Charlie Tygard 1, Kane 15

Those voting in the poll overwhelmingly oppose the AMP and they support all three proposed State constitutional amendments. To see the complete vote tally, follow this link.

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