Wednesday, February 12, 2014

School Board meeting of 2-11-14: Push forward with Pre-K. Register gets a lower grade.

The school Board produces great agendas with all the attachments that the school board members get. You can get your own copy of the 185-page agenda at this link.

Below are news reports of this meeting:

School Board Applauds Register Despite Slightly Lower Directors’ Grade 

The Nashville Scene, by Andrea Zelinski, Wed, Feb 12, 2014-  Despite awarding their director of schools a slightly lower evaluation score than last year, the Metro Nashville School Board praised Jesse Register’s efforts leading the district over much of the last calendar year. In a joint evaluation using a 5-point scale, the board awarded him a 3.68. While the score slipped from years past, this evaluation for the first time factored in student and system performance. The year before he earned a 3.93.

School board signs off on turning Nashville schools into pre-K hubs

The Tennessean, by Joey Garrison, Feb. 11, 2014 - Nashville Director of Schools Jesse Register’s plan to expand prekindergarten over the next four years earned a key first win on Tuesday, with the Metro school board voting unanimously to transform two elementary schools into new pre-K hubs. Ross Elementary School in East Nashville and Bordeaux Elementary School in North Nashville will become new model centers next year serving only 4-year-old pre-K students. Students who attend those schools will be reassigned to other area elementary schools.

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