Wednesday, February 12, 2014

No Annexation without Reprensentation

From: Tennessee Freedom Coalition
TFC Chairman Andy Miller Speaks Out Against Forced Annexation
Urges Citizens to call their State Representatives and Senators

Nashville, TN:  Today, Andy Miller, Chairman of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition, released the following statement regarding current legislation before the Tennessee General Assembly.

“For years, Tennesseans have been subjected to the incorporation whims of cities wishing to add property to their municipal districts.  These property owners have been drawn into cities without their consent and taxed for services they have been slow to receive.  Their County Governments have been complicit in these actions as they continue to receive a portion of the municipal taxes paid by these property owners for 15 years.”

Miller continued, “The Tennessee Freedom Coalition is vehemently opposed to this kind of abuse of power and the fact that property owners are not allowed to vote on whether they wish to be incorporated.  This violates the very principle of freedom that we cherish in Tennessee.”

Tennessee is one of only three remaining states in the Union that allows this kind of confiscation without a vote.  For years, Bill Haupt of Mt. Juliet has led a movement to eradicate this practice from the Volunteer State once and for all.  But he and his group have been opposed by the Tennessee Municipal League, a lobbying group representing Tennessee cities that gives tens of thousands of dollars to Tennessee lawmakers.

Miller concluded, “I call upon the members and committees in both chambers to expedite the legislation currently being sponsored by Rep. van Huss and Rep. Carter and Sen. Crowe and Sen. Watson.  This is the right thing to do and now is the time to do it.”

Michael Harrison, Chair: Phone (615) 741-7480

David Alexander: Phone (615) 741-8695
Joe Armstrong: Phone (615) 741-0768
Kevin Brooks: Phone (615) 741-1350
Karen Camper: Phone: (615) 741-1898
Craig Fitzhugh: Phone (615) 741-2134
David Hawk: Phone (615) 741-7482
Gerald McCormick: Phone (615) 741-2548
Steve McDaniel: Phone (615) 741-0750
Gary Odom: Phone (615) 741-4410
Dennis Roach: Phone (615) 741-2534
Charles Sargent: Phone (615) 741-6808

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the support Andy. You guys have been fantastic! Hope you can help bring the Senate side on board. TAFA
