Wednesday, February 05, 2014

GOPAC endorces Jim Tracy.

State Senator Jim Tracy who is running against incumbent U. S. Representative Scott DesJarlais for the the Republican nomination for that seat, today received the endorsement of GOPAC.  He is only one of four House candidates to receive the organization's endorcement.

GOPAC has been around since 1978. It was founded by founded by Delaware Governor Pierre S. du Pont, IV. Former Chairmen have included Michael Steele, J.C. Watts, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. GOPAC's mission statement says, " we realize Republicans must champion the ideas that unite voters around a vision of creating jobs, getting government spending under control, making government more effective, and keeping America safe. This is why Republicans turn to GOPAC for coaching and best practices on effective ways to communicate conservative ideas and solutions." Along with GOPAC's enforcement will come financial contributions up to the maximum allowed by Federal law.

Most conservatives do not find fault with  with Scott DesJarlais voting record but cannot stomach the pro-life doctor's habit of talking wives and girlfriends into getting abortions. That is why I am supporting Jim Tracy.  Also, I think Jim Tracy will make an excellent U. S. Representative. Congratulations Jim Tracy on getting the GOPAC endorsement.

To visit Jim Tracy's website and make a contribution, follow this link.

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