Monday, January 20, 2014

TNGOP Statement Commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr.

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaneyreleased the following statement in recognition of MLK Day: 
“The courage of conviction displayed by Martin Luther King, Jr. was as timeless as his message of equality. He believed in an opportunity society where each of us has a chance to succeed. While he may not be with us, his vision still guides us.
“Dr. King was a man of faith who thought the realities of America should align with our God-given freedoms. He knew, to achieve this, we must stamp out hate and prejudice while fighting for equality and opportunity for all.
“Let it be known that America is still journeying towards that destination of a ‘more perfect Union’ and Dr. King’s leadership and words ensure we will get there.”

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