Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Black Alliance for Educational Options launching "Tennessee BAEO." To locate in Memphis.

From BAEO:
The Black Alliance for Educational Options is pleased to announce the launching of “Tennessee BAEO” in the great city of Memphis, TN.

“We’re thrilled to be able to have the opportunity to bring the parental choice conversation to residents of Tennessee, in particular to Black families who are so often left out of the discussion” said BAEO President, Ken Campbell. “Tennessee, and the city of Memphis in particular, are growing hubs for the discussion about transformational education reform and parental choice.  We believe it is imperative that Black leaders and low-income and working class Black families in the state are represented in that conversation.” 

Tennessee BAEO State Director, Jennifer Littlejohn and Family and Community Organizer, LaShundra Richmond will be leading the new BAEO office.

Jennifer Littlejohn comes to BAEO with 15 years of experience in advocacy, communications and public affairs. LaShundra Richmond has made a significant impact working in community relations and policy analysis for several organizations in the city of Memphis.

“We are very excited to launch an organization in Tennessee that empowers and equips parents, teachers, students, legislators and community members with information to participate in the broader education reform conversation,” said Littlejohn. “Our plan is to build capacity for this work in Tennessee by organizing parents and community members, informing legislators on parental choice policies and how they can help our children achieve, and by partnering with key education reform organizations to maximize success.

“In the coming months, we plan to meet with key stakeholders in an effort to better understand how BAEO can contribute to the work of educating children in Tennessee and to continue making progress with Black children in low-income and working class families gaining access to high quality educational options.”

The Tennessee BAEO staff may be reached at (800) 378-4065.

My Comment:  The greatest victims of poor performing public schools are African American students.  Liberals who claim to represent the interest of the downtrodden and especially Black Americans almost always oppose education choice. The arguments against education choice is that it leads to resegregation in education. Liberals also seem to reject excellence, preferring mediocre equality. Some of the most astounding successes of charter schools are in the Black community where young boys are going to college rather than prison and young girls are going to college rather than dropping out of school pregnant at the age of 15. 

In Memphis, 88 percent of Memphis charter school seniors have been accepted to post-secondary institutions, earning more than $19 million in scholarships and grants. (link)  Most of these students are Black. In Nashville, among the top performing Metro Schools, the majority are charter schools. At Soulsville Chater School in Memphis, which is an all Black inner city school, among the first graduating class of 50 students, every single one was headed to college.

It is good to see a group made up of Black parents speaking for themselves about education and what is best for their children rather than letting white liberals speak for them. Liberalism keeps the poor, poor and dependent on government. It is encouraging to see that some African Americans are realizing that their best interest and the interest of the White liberal establishment are not the same.

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