Friday, January 31, 2014

Sen. Alexander and 4 TN Congressmen co-sign brief supporting Hobby Lobby

From Family Action Council of Tennessee:

Five members of Tennessee's Congressional delegation have co-signed a brief supporting Hobby Lobby in its legal battle, now in the U.S. Supreme Court, against the contraception mandate in ObamaCare.  The Christian company already offers 16 forms of birth control in its health insurance plan but is objecting to having to provide the morning-after pill and other abortion-inducing drugs.  The "friend of the court" brief primarily argues that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) was enacted to protect a wide range of religious activity and beliefs; it applies to for-profit entities like Hobby Lobby; and the government's arguments do not satisfy the "high bar" set by the RFRA before a governmental regulation can overcome RFRA's protections.  Oral arguments before the Supreme Court are scheduled to take place on March 25.

Among the 86 bipartisan signatures on the brief were Tennessee's Senator Lamar Alexander and Representatives Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Scott DesJarlis and Stephen Fincher.  A total of 81 "friend of the court" briefs were filed in the case, of which almost 70% support Hobby Lobby's position.

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