Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Report from Caffeinated Conservatives: Rep. Courtney brought along John Jay Hooker!

Hi everybody,
A big thanks to all of you who filled up Jacob's Well Coffee House on Saturday, and especially to the new faces who joined us! I hope you all had as good a time as I did, and maybe got to know your fellow politicos a bit better.

For those who couldn't make it, what I thought was going to be an excellent meeting with Rep. Courtney Rogers (who was lively, funny, and very informative) got kicked up to an awesome meeting when she brought along charmer and legendary ne'er-do-well John Jay Hooker, two time Democrat nominee for TN governor. Both Courtney and John were emphatic in explaining their opposition to the unconstitutional way in which we the people of TN have been denied our right to elect our judges for the past 40 years by every governor and legislature to come along, and it felt like John was leading a revival! All it would take to restore our right to elect judges is a simple law done in one legislative session, not the constitutional amendment coming next November that would forever take away our right to elect our judges.

I hope in you getting involved, we help you to get informed, because then you can be effective in making the change you want to see happen. Courtney said to tell the "caffeinators" that she had a great time. Talk to you all soon!

Stephen Clements
Caffeinated Conservatives

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