Friday, October 25, 2013

For The Love Of Music: The Story of Nashville - Official Trailer of the documentary funded with flood relief money

I am bullish on Nashville. I love this city. I would not want to live anywhere else. I love that Nashville is "music city." I look forward to seeing the half-hour-long special ABC documentary on Nashville.

However, it concerns me that $300,000 of the money to produce the documentary came from federal flood relief money given to Nashville following the 2010 flood. You may also recall that $7.1 million in federal money intended for flood relief went to the downtown riverfront redevelopment.  

I have no problem with federal money being used to help people recover from a natural disaster. I have no problem with federal money going to a city to help the city rebuild public schools and infrastructure damaged in a natural disaster. However, experiencing a natural disaster should not be like winning the lottery; it should not be a windfall. 

No wonder our Country is broke.

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