Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bob Corker: On Voting to End the Government Shutdown and Avoid Default

From Bob Corker:

Bob Corker
 On Wednesday, Senator Corker voted for H.R. 2775, a bill to prevent default, temporarily fund the government and maintain the spending reductions in the Budget Control Act. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 81 to 18. “It is beyond belief that Congress chose to pursue an effort that had no chance of success and wasted time that could have been spent putting in place spending reforms that will make our country stronger. But I do consider it a victory that we forced adherence to the Budget Control Act spending restraints, which for the first time since the 1950s, have caused us to reduce total government spending for two consecutive years,” said Corker.

“There’s much more work to do to get on a path to fiscal solvency, and I look forward to continuing that important work.” The Budget Control Act, passed by Congress and signed into law in 2011, helped reduce total government spending for two consecutive years. It will cause non-emergency discretionary spending to be decreased from $1.090 trillion in 2011 to $967 billion this year.

In an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Thursday, Senator Corker discussed the path forward to getting our nation’s fiscal house in order.

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