Friday, September 06, 2013

Metro Nashville paid a foreign company to study our schools. So why did its reports get an icy reception?

by Andrea Zelinski, Nashville Scene, Sept. 5, 2013 - During the day, Metro Schools' headquarters on Bransford Avenue bustles with traffic as hundreds of district employees file into work, from bean counters to executive principals, secretaries to chief officers in three-piece suits.

If David Moran had his way, there'd be a lot fewer of them. Maybe he'd have the Central Office whittle down its staff, and fill the facility with students instead of adults. Or he'd just have the district sell the former school building, and plug the extra money into the system's 153 other schools. Either way, his reasoning would be the same: Nashville's public school system has too much central bureaucracy.

That criticism stoked recommendations Moran gave to Nashville's director of schools over the past two school years. Working then for the U.K.-based Tribal Group, the British consultant led a team contracted by MNPS to develop turnaround plans for the district's worst schools. Part of his job was to assess what role the Central Office would clay. (link)
My Comment:  Please read this. Unbelievable! The school board spend $6.3 million of our money for a study to tell us what we already knew and when the school board did not like the results they just ignored the recommendations and they refuse to release the report we paid for.

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