Friday, September 06, 2013

“Exempt America” Tour Comes to Nashville

Atlanta, GATea Party Patriots and ForAmerica announced the next stop of its multi-state “Exempt America” Tour will be in Nashville, Tennessee on Friday, September 6 at 10 a.m. EST.

Jenny Beth Martin, National Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots and L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman for ForAmerica will join with local activists to call on Congress to exempt Americans from Obamacare.

“President Obama has already exempted Big Labor, Big Business and Congress has exempted itself.  That leaves the American people on the hook to live under what Sen. Max Baucus, an Obamacare supporter, has called a ‘train wreck.’  More than 70% of Americans favor delaying the implementation of Obamacare.  In order to delay it, the spending must stop. We will make sure Congress hears this message loud and clear,” said Ms. Martin.

WHO:                         Jenny Beth Martin, National Coordinator, Tea Party Patriots

                                   L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman, ForAmerica

                                   Matthew Perkins, Tennessee Medicine and Pediatrics

                                   Kurt Potter, Board Member 9-12 Project Tennessee

                                   Mishelle Perkins, president 9-12 Project Tennessee

WHAT:                        “Exempt America” Press Conference

WHERE:                     Embassy Suites Nashville Airport

                                   10 Century Blvd

                                   Nashville, TN

WHEN:                        Friday, September 6, 2013

                                   10 a.m. EST

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