Monday, July 22, 2013

How many attended Lamar's event; how many attended the counter protest?

From Campaign for Liberty.  That is J. Lee Douglas of the 9-12 project
 on the far left

From Britbart News
Numbers are a tricky thing, especially when those doing the counting have a bias. I was not at the Lamar Alexander event in Smyrna on Saturday, so I don't know how many people attended the rally nor how many attended the counter protest.

The Tennessean said more "than 150 tea party and libertarian activists set up in front of the Smyrna Air Center Saturday to protest Republican U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander." And, it says  Jim Jeffries, a spokesman for Alexander, "said that more than 500 people showed up for the Alexander campaign event."

The blog feature "Humphrey on the Hill" says, "the "counter-rally" attended by perhaps 200 persons from around the state."

A Britbart News story titled, "'Beat Lamar' Rally Draws More People Than Lamar Event" says, "According to organizers, over 300 people braved the heat and sun, promoting a primary challenge to Alexander next year. Alexander's event, held in an air-conditioned building and featuring local officials and Mike Huckabee drew about 250, according to local press."

I know the anti-Lamar forces had
been busy organizing for weeks. The Tennessee Campaign for Liberty, the 9-12 Project, The Nashville Tea Party, The Middle Tennessee Libertarian Party and lots of individuals and bloggers had been promoting the anti-Lamar event on social media. I expected there to be about as many anti-Lamar protesters as people attending the Lamar rally. 

It seems that the anti-Lamar forces are more passionate than the pro-Lamar forces. That probably is to be expected however. Lamar has been around on long time and there is something about being an outsider that generates more passion than being part of the establishment.

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  1. I was there and it definitely was not air-conditioned in the rally. The entrance was air-conditioned but the rally was in the hangar.

  2. At least 260 red Beat Lamar T-Shirts were given away at the rally with many more attendees not receiving T-shirts. At least 3 attendees of the Lamar rally reported anywhere from 150-300 attendees. Ralph Bristol a very well known and popular FM radio host from Nashville attended the Beat Lamar Rally. He reported 300 attendees at that rally.
