Monday, June 10, 2013

As a thorn in mayor's side, Josh Stites starts to see results, if not credit

This is a good article on Councilman Josh Stites that appeared in Sunday's City Paper.

As a thorn in mayor's side, Josh Stites starts to see results, if not credit 

By Steven Hale Sunday, June 9, 2013- When Mayor Karl Dean proposes an economic incentives package, it passes. If you’re a reporter, Josh Stites is the Metro Council member you call when it does.

In less than two years in office he has developed an outsized profile for a first-term district councilman, bolstered by his consistent opposition to Dean’s economic development method of choice. When it comes to corporate tax breaks the administration frequently uses to keep companies in Nashville — or lure them here — Stites has been a “No” man on a council that is often maligned as a rubber stamp for the mayor’s plans. (read more)

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