Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The IRS's Tea Party Scrutiny Was No Random Error

The IRS's Tea Party Scrutiny Was No Random Error 

By Howard Rich, Forbes, 5/13/2013 - Just when it appeared Washington, D.C. had become impervious to a full-blown political scandal, along comes a seismic revelation jarring Americans of all ideological moorings – one that’s placed one of the most feared (and fastest-growing) “independent” government agencies squarely on the hot seat.

Last week’s startling acknowledgement by senior staff at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the agency’s discriminatory practices against limited government groups is indeed “chilling” and “thuggish,” as a pair of moderate U.S. Senators have suggested. But it’s much more than that. In fact it’s unlikely our nation’s capital has seen anything this sinister since Richard Nixon and his infamous “Enemies List” –.....

......this was no error: It was official policy.......(read more)

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