Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sen Henry will not seek reelection. Yarbro and Hollerman likely candidates for seat

In case you missed it:

State Sen. Doug Henry announces he won't seek re-election

State Sen. Douglas Henry, a giant of the state legislature whose tenure goes back s 

Sen. Douglas Henry confirms he will not seek reelection

By Steven Hale, City Paper,Wednesday, May 8, 2013- After first being elected to the state House of Representatives in 1955, Henry has been a fixture in the Senate since 1971. He survived a 2010 primary challenge from Nashville attorney Jeff Yarbro by just 17 votes. Since then, redistricting has reshaped District 21, but it remains a Democratic stronghold.

Yarbro is expected to make another run at the seat, and Metro Councilman Jason Holleman is widely assumed...(link)

My Comment: This represents the passing of an era.  Senator Henry may be the last of the reasonable, responsible, genteel, Southern, fiscally and socially conservative Democrats.  I have always had the utmost respect for Senator Henry.  He is a statesman and I honor him for his service to our State.

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