Friday, February 15, 2013

The official launch of NashvilleNext, 10 am Saturday, February 16

The official launch of NashvilleNext, the process which will lead to an integrated plan for Nashville's future, is set for 10 am Saturday, February 16, at the main library at 6th and Church.

NashvilleNext will guide the actions and decisions which will contribute to our community's prosperity and wellbeing for the next 25 years, and it'll be shaped by the needs, ideas, and input of people who care about Nashville.
 Learn more about it - and sign up to participate - on the NashvilleNext webpage.
Is NashvilleNext part of Agenda 21? A prominent female conservative lobbyist commented on her facebook page, "Agenda 21 is alive and well" and linked to an article about NashvilleNext. She thinks it is. 
Conservative activist Wes Hartline, who I am sure does not want to abolish pubic property and force us all to live in shoebox houses in the city and take away American sovereignty and put us under the authority of the United Nations, is on the NashvilleNext committee in some official capacity to promote citizen participation in the NashvilleNext planning process. 

While I doubt NashvilleNext is some diabolical plot, there is good planning and there is bad planning. One reasons cities became empty shells is a result of bad planning that decreed that people could not live in the central business district. It was planning that strictly separated commercial areas from residential areas. Nashville, as have most cities, has had planning for a very long time.We had planning before Rio.

If you care about the future of Nashville, come to the kick off event and join the effort to plan the future.All points of view, even those who don't think we should do planning, should be heard.

To learn more about it, see NashvilleNext.

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