Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The guns-in-trunks-in-parking-lots bill passed the State Senate 28-5.

The guns-in-trunks-in-parking-lots bill passed the State Senate today 28-5.

Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey writes on Facebook:

I am pleased that the Senate has voted on a bipartisan basis to allow gun permit holders to keep their firearms securely locked in their vehicles while at work. This bill ensures that private property rights are respected while gun owners are protected. With this issue now in the Senate's rear view mirror, I look forward to continuing our work limiting government, creating jobs and making Tennessee an even better place to raise a family.
I was pleased to see the Judiciary Committee vote nearly unanimously on a bipartisan basis to allow gun permit holders to keep their firearms securely locked in their vehicles while at work. This bill ensures that private property rights are respected while gun owners are protected. I look forward to its quick passage so that this General Assembly can focus on limiting government, creating jobs and making Tennessee an even better place to raise a family.

The Tennessean writes: Senate passes 'guns-in-trunks' bill | The Tennessean | tennessean ...

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey has called for a quick resolution to an issue that has dogged the legislature in previous years.

My Commentary: Thoughts about guns-in-trunks and property rights

While I have been critical of the proposed "guns-in-trunks" legislation, I would like to clarify my position. I am not as opposed to the actual legislation as I am the way it has been presented and pushed. The bill will soon come to a vote and undoubtedly it will pass. If I were in the State legislature and my constituents had lobbied me to support this bill, I would most likely vote for it also, so I am not critical of those who are going to vote for the proposal.

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