Sunday, February 17, 2013

Residents brainstorm about their kind of city

The Tennessean, Brian Haas, Feb 16, 2013- Nashville may want to listen to Cindy MoonRose if it’s serious about planning for the future.

Moon Rose, one of hundreds of residents to attend the NashvilleNext kickoff event on Saturday, said that the city needs to become the kind of place where you can work, live and play -- not just one of the three.

..... Residents will have an opportunity to offer feedback on what they’d like Nashville to look like and what they’d like to avoid.

Like Atlanta, for example.

“Atlanta’s always served as an example of what we don’t want to be,” said Rod Williams, another longtime resident and a former Metro councilman who pointed to Atlanta’s sprawl and transportation problems.  “Everyone always wants to see growth. We want the right kind of growth. I don’t think that always having more and more development is always a good thing.” (link)

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