Monday, March 05, 2012

FINAL POLLS SHOW NEWT SURGING IN TN Gingrich Inside Margin of Error in Some

Nashville - Thanks to hard campaigning and his bold, Conservative message, Newt Gingrich has closed the gap in Tennessee and is poised to overtake those presumed to be the victors in the delegate rich state just days ago.

Real Clear Politics' tracking of the polling done across the weekend shows the We Ask America numbers putting the state in a statistical dead heat with Romney at 30%, Gingrich at 29% and Santorum at 29%. The margin of error is 3%. Likewise, PPP polling has Santorum at 34%, Romney at 29% and Gingrich at 27%

The significance is these polls were taken on March 3rd and 4th. Earlier polling, widely reported across the nation, from Vanderbilt University and Middle Tennessee State University just days earlier showed a different picture. MTSU's polling, released February 29 showed Santorum at 40%, Romney at 29% and Gingrich at 13%. Vanderbilt's data from polling done February 16-22 showed Santorum at 33%, Romney at 17% and Gingrich at 13%. Clearly, the largest surge is for Speaker Gingrich.

Andrew Ogles, Tennessee Victory Chair for Gingrich 2012 noted, "I was excited to see the results but not surprised. These numbers show what we've always known; support for Newt is deep and strong in Tennessee. When other campaigns dropped everything to rush surrogates and candidates to Tennessee at the last minute, I knew they were learning the same thing."

Reached by phone, Rep. Tony Shipley (R-Kingsport), Chair of the Newt 2012 campaign in Tennessee and traveling today with Gingrich in East Tennessee, responded, "This is not a real surprise to anyone who has been watching the campaigns here in Tennessee. Newt has strong support among Conservatives, Republicans and voters who realize the nation is headed in the wrong direction. Newt's concern for all Americans is seen in his attention to issues like gas prices and other every day concerns. Tennesseans know Newt supports them and they support him back."

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