Monday, March 19, 2012

Agenda 21 Alert: paving parking lots may be part of the UN conspiracy.

In this story, a guy changes the use of a piece of commercial property from a fencing company to a restaurant. When he does so he is told by city officials that he will have to pave the parking lot and have more parking spaces. The business owner is appealing to the Board of Zoning appeal. Is this an example of how our property rights are being taken away as part to the Agenda 21 UN conspiracy or is this simply an appropriate exercise of government planning, zoning and codes authority?

 Business owner angry Womick cited store as example of UN Agenda 21
MURFREESBORO — The owner of Papa’s Butts and BBQ Hot Sauce Store said Friday he is “livid” over Rep. Rick Womick using his restaurant as an example of government overreach to pass a resolution rejecting United Nations Agenda 21.

Dan Wilson, who is preparing to seek a parking lot variance from the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals for his business at 2910 Old Fort Parkway, said he is working with city officials to solve the matter and was upset that Womick mentioned his business during debate Thursday on the House floor in Nashville.  read more

Maybe there really is something to fear from Agenda 21; I still plan to read it and reach a conclusion or let someone who has read it convince me I should be alarmed.  In the meantime however, things like this does not help the cause. This sounds like paranoia at work. I have done a lot of internet search on the topic of Agenda 21 and all of these are things listed below are being denounced somewhere by someone as part of the conspiracy: 
  • outcome based education
  • sustainable agriculture
  • Community assets inventory
  • Traffic Roundabouts
  • greenways and bikeways
  • conservation easements
  • General Land use Plans
  • Neighborhood alliance organizations
  • Smart growth
  • Smart Meters
  • Community oriented policing
  • opposition to suburban sprawl
  • opposition to road expansions

To this list, I am now going to add "requirements that parking lots be paved" and "requirements that adequate parking spaces be provided." 

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