Friday, February 10, 2012

An Inconsistent Truth. Highly Recommended

An Inconsistent Truth is one man's odyssey to find the truth about man-made global warming. As the title suggests, this is an answer to Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary but it's much more than a simple rebuttal. We not only talk with leading scientific experts on the 'skeptic' side but we explore the entire culture of the global warming movement; often in a humorous and satirical way. The viewpoint of this film might not be the most popular position on the subject but it offers refreshing diversity. Diversity, after all, is not just found in different cultures or races or religions. True diversity is diversity of thought.

I watched this movie last night and highly recommend it. It is well made and it is quick paced. It is entertaining, informative, and funny.  It presents the arguments of the critics of global warming and shows that there are critics who are as credentialed as the advocates of the theory. One of the revealing things in the movie is how blindly accepting of the theory are people who do not have a clue as to why they believe it. Another revealing aspect of the movie is the exposure of the hypocrisy of Al Gore and how he financially benefits from promotion of the theory. The movie also corrects a lot of misinformation such as the claim that the population of polar bears is shrinking or that there has been an increase in hurricane activity in recent years.  While a true believer in global warming will most likely not like this movie, people with an open mind will find that it contributes to an understanding of the debate.

The movie is currently playing at Regal Hollywood 27 near 100 Oaks and Carmike Thoroughbred 20, 633 Frazier Drive, Franklin TN. For viewing times and more information click here

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