Wednesday, February 01, 2012

End the Occupation Now!

Occupy Nashville is not happy with HB 2638/SB 2508, the bill that would end camping on the legislative Plaza and other places not designated as camping sites. 

The have sent a letter to Gov. Bill Haslam saying that if you pass unjust regulations and use force, we will grow stronger. If you pass this bill to evict Occupy Nashville and criminalize our unhoused friends, we will prevail in the courts and on the streets. You may expect actions like these: 1) We will occupy the State Capitol, 2) We will occupy public property (abandoned and in-use), 3) We will reclaim foreclosed homes, and 4) We will occupy the restrooms of all Pilot Travel Centers.

Enough is enough! I think it is time to pass the bill, then see who prevails on the streets. Bring out the dogs, fire hoses and pepper spray as necessary to meet force with greater force. It is time to take back our Legislative Plaza. Bust some heads.

I love the smell of pepper spray in the morning.

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