Friday, December 30, 2011

Support the Beacon Center

If you are not familiar with the Beacon Center, you need to get to know this organization. They expose corruption and waste in state government, educate law makers on free market legislative proposals  and advocate for less government. They are very influential and effective. To learn more, follow this link: The Beacon Center.

I have just sent The Beacon Center a tax deductible contribution. I urge you to make a contribution to this worthy organization. I am passing posting their appeal letter below. Rod

Dear Rod,
As we get ready to ring in a New Year, you can help us usher in meaningful free market policy reforms in 2012. Don't wait until it's too late to make your 2011 tax-deductible contribution to help advance freedom and prosperity in our state. Click on the link below to donate today!

In 2012, we will work tirelessly to roll back the job-killing state death tax, educate our fellow Tennesseans about the benefits of school choice, and help put healthcare decisions back in the hands of patients and their doctors, not bureaucrats in Washington.
In order to help us advance these goals and more, please take just a few moments to make your tax-deductible gift before the end of the year. You can visit, or you can send a check to the address below. Your generous support will ensure that we will once again serve as the state's leading advocate for free markets, individual liberty, and limited government.
I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!
In Liberty,
Justin Owen
President & CEO
P.S. As long as you go online and make your donation before midnight on December 31, you can use your contribution as a tax deduction for your 2011 charitable giving. Visit our secure website at, or you can mail a check to the address below. Thank you for your support!
Beacon Center of Tennessee
P.O. Box 198646
Nashville, TN 37219

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