Sunday, October 02, 2011

Slut Walk Nashville 2011

I attended Nashville's slut walk today. Below are some pictures. The pictures represent the sluttiest of the sluts. About 300 people took part in the event but most were just wearing every day clothing. A few looked like there were dressed for Halloween, and a few looked really hot. There were also some ugly fat sluts taking part. Except for a hand full, you could have had almost as much titillation going to the mall or lower Broadway on a Saturday night. Lunch at Hooters would have been more titillating.

The atmosphere was fun and light-hearted. I stayed to hear Stella Parton, country music artist and sister of Dolly Parton, make a talk about sexual abuse and domestic violence. She was promoting a book on the topic. There were information booths from groups like the Peace and Justice Center and the libertarian group, Young Americans for Liberty, and a rape crisis group and a transgender group and some others.

A band was going to play but I did not stay for the entertainment. People carried clever signs with messages such as those in the pictures below. I liked one sign that said, "ask nicely and you might get some." The central message of the event was that just because someone dresses like a slut, that does not justify rape. I was a little disappointed that there were not more girls dressed provocatively.

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  1. god those chicks look nasty. Good luck getting raped.

  2. How dare you attend an event about empowerment and take nothing away but superficial attitudes towards women. A lot of these women are rape survivors and the point of the walk is to speak out against victim blaming. You obviously missed the point. It is your close minded, misogynistic viewpoint that this walk was speaking out against.
    How dare you post pictures of these women who are speaking out, being brave and turn them into objects! They were not dressing for you!
    And to the commenter above, no person wants to be raped, and again, the point is, it doesn't matter what a woman is wearing. It is a violent act against a woman by a man who wants to take power over her.

  3. Murr.. huh? Okay, hear me out, even if you refuse to post this comment.

    You just totally missed the point, dude. Think with your head and not the one between your legs for a moment. Very innocent women are constantly blamed for being raped. Do you not understand that rape is TERRIBLE? Like what makes you you is stolen. Like getting your soul fucked right out of you and most women can never, ever recover from it. To have your heart ripped from you chest and shat on, only to be blamed for it yourself.

    I know that the message this protest was trying to send would be easy to askew which is why I didn't take part of it. But you really couldn't be more off-target with your assessment. These are your mothers and sisters and daughters and lovers, and all they are trying to say is this isn't their fault.

  4. Did you really just say good luck getting raped? Did something like that statement actually process through your brain? Are you even human?

    You can't even debate anything you just said from the sheer ignorance of that comment.

  5. I highly suggest you take down these photos. Neither I or my friend signed model releases for you to publish our pictures. I will be pursuing this further legally if you do not. I already now have all the info I need about you to do so.

    1. Hmm none of these are models they are women who are absolutely disgusting and wish they could get raped so they dress the way they do so fuck off dude

  6. guys really, really REALLY missed the point. You shouldn't be allowed to have sex with women.

    1. So if women have sex with you after posting what you posted,shame on those women and they should be kicked out of the woman club and have their vagins removed. Cause they are like, anti woman and stuff!, yeah!

  7. Republicans are disgusting assholes, news at 11.

    PS first commenter: die painfully.

  8. Yeah they're all disgusting, I agree

  9. OMG!!! You can't seriously mean that.! I KNOW you don't mean that! You have NO idea what these women undergo every single day and the one day that is set aside to show that people actually care for them you disdain the very purpose. I'm gay and I have more respect for these beautiful women. Good luck finding someone in the future you incompetent craven!

  10. Great march for a great cause. Lot's of good people there. The first comment is bad! :/'s comment is right on.

  11. Jesus Christ, the only girl that looks either bit attractive is the girl holding the No Means No poster, and maybe the girl next to her to a certain point. Those are the only two of those sluts that even have a hope of getting raped.

  12. I am a 17 year old rape survivor and what you said in this artical just crushed me... It's been 4 years and I still haven't recovered from it. I just this year told my mom and am getting therapy... It's heartless people like you who have people kill themselves after something like this happens... How can you live with yourself... Me and my best friend are both rape survivors... We had each other for support, but others aren't so lucky... And the things you said in this article could them kill themselves... Think before u type a$$hole...

  13. The whole point of this is empowerment right? So you feel empowered by dressing in a way that shows no dignity. I don't see how that helps, it's basically defeating the purpose. I see what's happening your combining ideologies like saying means means war. I'd call this a miserable fail.

    Anyways i just came here cus i was writing for a track, my confirmation that the women in the slut walk are most than likely sluts almost full proof. "Damn go ahead you slut talk, I'm shooting ammunition my mission killin the slut walk." Hahaha don't worry just rap shit, no one's poppin off!
