Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Rick Santorum for President? I'm impressed.

To say the least, I have been under impressed by the slate of announced and potential Republican nominees for President. I believe Obama is beatable, but we must have someone to beat him with. I would vote for anyone the Republicans run against Obama but think front-runner Mitt Romney is only slightly better than Obama and does not offer us much of a choice. I would have a hard time getting excited about Romney.

I was relieved when Donald Trump announced he was not going to run. I thought he was a joke and only a step above a carnival barker. I would hate to have to vote for Ron Paul, or Newt Gringich. I like a lot of what Ron Paul says but his isolationist foreign policy concerns me as well as some other things he has said. He strikes me as simply too extreme. Once upon a time, Newt was a favorite of mine but he disappointed me by his pandering to the anti-Muslim crowd and his trashing of Paul Ryan. The more he talks, the less I like him. He seems nothing like the Newt Gringich I once liked.

I think Sara Palin is a light weight and an air head but still occasionally find myself attracted to her charm and straight talk. I could support her, but have reservations. I like Michelle Backman but have not seen enough of her to know if I could support her for the nomination. I also do not know a lot about some of the other candidates yet, but so far have not been impressed by what I have seen.

This week I watched the C-Span presidential announcement of Rick Santorum and I was impressed. He has passion, he says the right things, and he inspires confidence.This might be the man I could get behind. I felt a political excitement watching him. I had a favorable gut reaction. I found myself applauding.  This might be someone I could get excited about.

If you missed his speech on Cspan, you can view it here. This speech is 48 minutes long.

The Club for Growth is evaluating each of the announced Republican candidates on economic issues. Here is a link to their report on Rick Santorum.

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