Sunday, April 17, 2011

West Nashville Eggs and Bacon April Report

by Matt Nemauth
Thank you to all who attended the West Nashville Eggs and Bacon yesterday morning.  This meeting marked our 1 year anniversary and I am still proud to help moderate this event.  None of this could happen without your support.

As a reminder, Chuck Grimes will be "locked up" as a MDA Jailbird in an effort to raise money for Jerry's Kids.  Chuck currently heads up the Young Republicans of Davidson County and works for the state legislature.  He will need to raise $2400 by July 27th.  I have already donated and if you wish to as well, please click here.

Ralph Weber was an incredible speaker.  He is the President and CEO of MediBid - an service dedicated to finding medical services for people at the free-market level.  Along with his company, he served as a consultant to Rudy Guiliani and Mike Huckabee during their Presidential campaigns in 2008.

Ralph made some incredibly eye-opening remarks regarding our health care industry and what he feels would be true solutions.  One fact that he revealed was that by using nurse practitioners in an effort to reduce medical costs, those costs actually increase.  This is because nurse practitioners are likely to order more tests than necessary to properly diagnose a patient.

Again, Ralph is a wealth of knowledge regarding the health care industry.  Check out his company at:

Thank you again.  We are trying to get a health care panel setup for a future meeting.  All details will be provided once solidified.


Matt Nemeth
West Nashville Eggs and Bacon Summit Moderator
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