Monday, March 28, 2011

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey today introduced,

Nashville) – Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey (R-Blountville) today introduced, a new website dedicated to shining a light on unnecessary government regulation.’s mission is to be a space on the web where regular Tennesseans can have a voice and seek relief from oppressive government red tape. The site offers the opportunity to small business owners to tell their story of overbearing government regulation and how it has affected their lives.

“The best thing that government can do to promote economic growth is stay out of the way of people who create jobs,” said Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey. “This website is designed to help highlight and expose the barriers government puts in the way of entrepreneurs trying to put people to work.”

Lt. Gov. Ramsey was joined at the unveiling by the National Federation of Independent Business’ state director, Jim Brown, Justin Owen, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research and Josh Helton, Small Business Advocate for the Office of the Comptroller.

The most flagrant examples of government red tape will be highlighted on the blog and the site will also aggregate stories of government red tape in the news.

Lt. Gov. Ramsey is a leading voice for economic growth in Tennessee state government. Ramsey believes government must do all it can to stay out of way of entrepreneurs who wish to create jobs.

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