Sunday, March 27, 2011

ANNOUNCING!!!!! DCRP Executive Board for 2011 - 2012

On Saturday, March 26th the Davidson County Republican Party met for the Party's biannual County Convention at the Maxwell House Hotel. The convention was convened, on time, promptly at 9AM by Chairman Kathleen Starnes, The invocation was  offered by Representative Jim Gotto and the Pledge of Allegiance was was led by Beverly Knight. Rod Williams, Chairman of the Contest and Credentials Committee, which is responsible for conducting the Convention gave a committee report. Following the reading of the report the Convention elected the officers which are elected by the full body, then the committee broke into seven regions to elect Regional Vice Chairs. 

The event was harmonious and orderly. This contrasted greatly from two years ago when the Party was unable to conclude the convention in one day and when their were several contested elections and multiple ballots. There were no appeals of the actions of the Contest and Credentials Committee and all of the primary officers except one were elected by acclamation which meant ballots did not have to used which speeded up the process. Former Republican 5th District Congressional candidate, David Hall, was nominated for Chairman and spoke declining the nomination and endorsed Kathleen Starnes. Hall  was elected a Regional Vice Chair. The meeting was over by 10:30AM. 

Below is the slate of newly elected Party officers and the Report of the Contest and Credentials Committee.
Chairman - Kathleen Starnes
1st Vice Chairman - Daniel Davis
2nd Vice Chairman - Tony Roberts
Recording Secretary - Beverly Knight
Communications Secretary - Claire Ratliff
Treasurer - Chuck Self

Asst Treasurer - John Flanagan

Regional Vice Chairmen
North Region - David Hall
North Central Region - Kay Brooks
South Region - David Patterson
South Central Region - Brent Pierce
South East Region - Patricia Carl
East Region - Ken Marrero
West Region - Lonnie Spivak

On December 7, 2010 the DCRP Executive Committee appointed The Contest and Credentials Committee consisting of the following people: Rod Williams, Chairman, and committee members Hattie Dewalt, Mark Rogers, Tony Roberts, and Ed Zeagler. Also appointed were non-voting members Paul White to serve as Parliamentarian and Martha Brown, 2009 Contest and Credentials Committee Chairman, to serve as consultant. After the first meeting, Beverly Knight joined the Committee as a non-voting member to serve as secretary.

The Committee was charged with revising the Party's bylaws and Rules as well as planning and conducting the caucus and convention.  The committee met on eight occasions included one meeting to review delegate challenges.

The Committee revised the Rules and Bylaws and submitted them to the Executive Committee and they were approved. The committee planned the caucus and the convention, including selecting a venue, developing an agenda and all of the minor details necessary for the caucus and convention.

The Caucus occurred on March 6. One hundred twenty-eight (128) people registered and attended the caucus. No one registered from Districts 9, 10, or 21. Ninty-four (94) delegates who were not present were nominated and elected in their district.  Some people who were not present at the caucus had submitted a request to be a delegate, but were not nominated by anyone in their district. Those people were mailed a letter informing them they were not nominated.

For those delegates who attended the caucus in person, members of the C&C committee verified their proper voter registration at the caucus. For those who did not attend in person or who attended but did not have a voter ID card with them, the committee verified their registration from an election commission voter registration database.  Six delegates were challenged by the committee due to inability to verify their proper voter registration.  All of these were mailed letters and invited to attend the March 14th meeting of the Contest and Credentials Committee to present additional information to verify their proper registration. Two of the six were confirmed to be properly registered by the election commission prior to the March 14th meeting. Of the other four, none appeared at the March 14th meeting and they were removed from the delegate list. Two delegates who had been elected notified the committee that they would be unable to attend the convention and were removed as delegates.  Total delegates approved by the Committee were 216.  

One challenge was received by the Committee challenging a delegate as not being a Republican. The Committee found that the allegations against the challenged were unrelated to his viability to serve as a delegate and he met the basic qualifications to serve. The challenger has appealed this decision to the State Party.

This report has purposely been abbreviated to respect the time of the delegates attending this Convention. Agenda’s and minutes of the Contest and Credentials committee meetings are on file at the Party Headquarters.

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