Monday, February 21, 2011

ACT NOW! Abolish Teacher's Union Ability to Negotiate

I am reposting below a portion of an Eagle Forum email news alert. No one does a better job than Eagle Forum in keeping conservatives informed of what is going on at the state legislature. I recommend you sign up for the Eagle Forum emails. click HERE to Register. 

We have a great opportunity to curtail the power of the teachers union and achieve real education reform. Please let your legislators know you support this bill. Rest assured the Teachers Union is putting pressure on legislators everywhere to oppose this bill.

SB 0113 by *Johnson ( *HB 0130 by *Maggart)
As introduced, abolishes teachers' unions ability to negotiate terms and conditions of professional service with local boards of education.
STATUS:  The Senate bill will now go to the Senate floor. While it has not been assigned a floor day, it is NOT too early to begin contacting your Senator urging his or her support. You can be sure that opponents will be lobbying this very hard.  The House companion has not yet been scheduled for a hearing.
ACTION:  Please go
HERE to send an email of support to your State Senator.

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