Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Help Save the Tennessee State Fair and Fairgounds. Join the FHPG.

I just joined the newly chartered non-profit organization  Fairgrounds Heritage Preservation Group and encourage you to do the same. You can join for as little as $5 and it is quick and easy.

I just visited the FGHPG website and read an 18 page report by FGHPG attorney Dr. Lewis Laska. In this report Dr. Laska points out the legal and accounting tricks being used to destroy the fairgrounds. Now, I don't know all the details of the fairgrounds operations nor the accuracy of this report from Dr. Laska, but it sure looks like we are not being told the whole story of the fairgrounds. It looks like we are being fed deliberate distortions to build a case for destroying the fairgrounds.

Did you know that the Farmers Market received about $1.2 million tax dollars in 2009 and the Convention Center received about $2.8 million and yet the Fairgrounds  did not cost the tax payers anything? If you want to learn more about the accounting tricks used and the half-truths being told in order to build a case for destroying the fairgrounds, click here and read the report.

The FHPB site is full ammunition you can use to help make the case for saving the fairgrounds. You can learn about the historic nature of the fairgrounds, the economic impact, and how to get involved to effectively let your voice be heard.

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