Sunday, November 14, 2010

Conservative candidates needed to run for Metro Council.

In Metro's 40-member Council there are about 10 "good" council members. One of them, Jim Gotto, got elected to higher office and his seat is an open seat. Some of the good ones, like Robert Duvall, have a target on their back and the liberals are going to do all they can to defeat them. We need to help Robert Duvall and other conservative keep their seat.

Several of the "good" councilmen are term-limited out and unless we have other good candidates to run for those seats, they could be lost to liberals. The good news is that some of the most liberal council member are  also term-limited out of office and those seats could be won by conservative candidates if we have good candidates. Some of the liberal Council Members who are not term-limited out of office could be vulnerable and need to be challenged by strong conservative candidates.

To find out who has already declared for election and to read The Tennessean's take on the August 4th Council race, follow this link.

If you are thinking about running, if you are a conservative, have integrity, care about Nashville, and think you have the skills that would make a good council member , I would like to meet you and share what I know.  I served in the Metro Council for two full terms and part of another term and won an election against overwhelming odds. It does not have to take a lot of money to run for Metro Council if you are willing to work hard. I would be glad to meet with you, give you some advice and connect you to other people who may be able to help you.  Contact me.

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