Saturday, September 25, 2010

Report from the DCRP Green Hills Pastry 'n Politics Summit

Email received from Peter Voysey, Co-Event Chair, DCRP Green Hills Pastry 'n Politics Summit

Well, we just finished up on this month's meeting at Nero's Grill.

Justin Owen, President of the TCPR, got us going with a presentation on wasteful spending--especially at the State Of Tennessee level--and then opened it up to Q&A.

And What An Active Discussion We Had! The group got into a broad spectrum of the issues of the day, including: The State Budget--Myth and Reality; The State Budget Process; Tennessee Boondoggles wasting taxpayers' money on a grand scale; TennCare; Education and the Teachers' Union; The Societal Unintended Consequences of Welfare Programs; African-American voters desiring school choice and opposing the abuse of eminent domain--yet electing candidates who thwart those desires; etc. etc.

Several of you have said to me, "OK--hearing from candidates is great, but I long for the day when we can talk to each other and deal with substantive matters."

Well, today was that day.

Yet, for this, our 5th meeting, it was our smallest attendance (19 people).

So where were you? [I know it was the first day after the unseasonable heat wave, but come on, folks--Rise And Shine! We've got to take our country back!

You missed a great meeting, with fellow terrific conservative activists.

Don't let this happen to you again! Mark Your Calendar: 4th Saturday Of October, i.e. October 23. Nero's Grill. 8:30 a.m.

See you then!

Peter Voysey
Co-Event Chair
DCRP Green Hills Pastry 'n Politics Summit

Comment: To see a schedule of all local Republican activities visit the DCRP website. Please plan on attended this event next month or the meeting of a Republican group near you.

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