Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain Leads!

Look at this!
Fantastic! Unbelieveable! For the first time, McCain pulls ahead in all the polls. We may just win this thing. A few weeks ago almost everyone thought Obama had it wrapped up. I was for McCain and had contributed to the campaign, but if I was placing a bet, I would have bet on Obama. Now it looks like it may be a real contest.

Gallup Daily Tracking - McCain 49 - Obama 44

USA Today / Gallup Poll Registered Voters - McCain 50 - Obama 46

Zogby Poll McCain 49.7% - Obama 45.9%

CBS / NT Times McCain 46% - Obama 44%

Rasmussen McCain 47% - Obama 46%

Real Clear Politics Average - McCain 48.3 - Obama 45.4

If you have not contributed to the campaign, please do so. Click the McCain ad to the left and it will take you to the McCain site. You can pay with Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Express. It is quick and easy.

Also, you can order a McCain yard sign and bumper sticker for only $7. Show your support!

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