Friday, September 19, 2008

Brilliante Weblog Premior 2008 Award

I would like to thank ......

It is always great to get complements and awards. Thanks to Political Rants from the Right for awarding me the Brilliante Weblog Premior 2008 Award.

Here are the rules for the next recipients of the Brilliante Weblog Premio 2008 Award, established in 2005:

1. The award may be displayed on a winner’s blog.
2. Add a link to the person who you received the award from.
3. Nominate up to seven other blogs.
4. Then add their links to your blog.
5. Add a message to each person that you have passed the award on to in the comments section of their blog.

I am passing this on to the following bloggers (in no particular order):

Vulcan’s Hammer, “meditations on liberty and free markets”

Blanca Debree Blog. This blogger is witty, irreverent, maddening and clever.

Copious Dissent, “your daily dose of liberty”

Matt-Speak. An insightful blog from a common sense conservative.

The BoBo Files, “Driving the loony left loonier”

Regarding Liberty, “fiscally nuts, socially insane” This teen blogger is a common sense, moderate conservative, sharp, insightful ,and smart, wise beyond his years.

Hillbilly Savants, “This blog is about our Appalachia - the real one, not the Hollywood-stereotype nor the third-world nation-esque stereotype being sold by do-gooders, or even the neo-Romantic sylvan stereotype that Rousseau would probably buy into.” This is the non-political blog I am passing the award on to. I do have interest other than politics. Being originally from east Tennessee, I love this blog. It has lots of photos of the beauty of the area and covers history, current events, music and art.

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1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say thanks for the award! It is much appreciated. Also - wanted to point out that you don't have your whole list there! :)
