Saturday, April 06, 2024

Conservative Republican Courtney Johnston Announces Campaign For Congress

Courtney Johnston
 Nashville, Tenn. – Today, Conservative Metro Councilwoman Courtney Johnston announced she is running in the Republican primary to represent the 5th Congressional District.

“Middle Tennessee deserves a Member of Congress who is committed to fighting for our beliefs instead of just fighting for headlines,” said Johnston. “I’m running for Congress because I
believe in public service and in just a few short years on the Metro Council, I’ve been able to deliver real results. I’ve seen first-hand what the radical left wants to do in Nashville, and we
can’t let that happen in Washington, D.C. We need real, effective, conservative leadership.”

A formal campaign kickoff will come later this month.

Before serving on the Council, Johnston was a small business owner and took on the
bureaucracy and ran against an incumbent after her home was broken into. She saw first-hand
the need for better representation, crime reduction, and fiscal responsibility.
During her first term on Metro Council, Johnston fought to fully fund law enforcement, voted
against property tax hikes, and delivered real results for her district. As an experienced small
business owner, she’s a political outsider who wants to drain the swamp and get rid of career

“I support President Trump, I’m pro-life, I’m for immediately securing the border, and fully
funding law enforcement. Andy Ogles says he believes all that too — but he’s a totally
ineffective politician who’s getting nothing done. He hasn’t passed a single bill into law. We
need a real conservative leader who will deliver results, not a do-nothing grandstander who just
chases headlines. That’s why I’m running.”

For more information about Courtney and her campaign, please visit

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1 comment:

  1. Too bad we voters can't ask her questions about her positions.
